What's happening in . . .
Cullercoats Square

About this crime map

This map is populated with data submitted by local Police forces. The locations of the hotspots shown on this map have been anonymised.

Crimes Recorded within 150 metres of Cullercoats Square SR5 3RP.

Date/CrimeApprox Location
2022-11  Bicycle theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2022-11  Burglary. Under investigationClacton Road
2022-11  Criminal damage and arson. Under investigationCaspian Road
2022-11  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationCaspian Road
2022-10  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given a cautionCaspian Road
2022-10  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2022-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2022-09  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2022-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationCaspian Road
2022-08  Other crime. Under investigationCaspian Road
2022-07  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2022-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2022-06  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2022-05  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-05  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-05  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-05  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2022-05  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2022-04  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cullercoats Road
2022-03  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2022-02  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2022-02  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2022-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2022-01  Criminal damage and arson. Offender given a cautionCaspian Road
2022-01  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2021-12  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2021-12  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2021-12  Public order. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2021-11  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-11  Possession of weapons. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2021-10  Other theft. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2021-10  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2021-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-09  Other crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2021-08  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2021-08  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2021-08  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2021-08  Bicycle theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2021-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2021-05  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2021-05  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2021-04  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given a cautionClacton Road
2021-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2021-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-03  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2021-03  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2021-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2021-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2021-02  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2021-02  Public order. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2021-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2020-12  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2020-12  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2020-12  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2020-12  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2020-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2020-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2020-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2020-10  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2020-10  Anti-social behaviour. Caspian Road
2020-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2020-09  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2020-09  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2020-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2020-08  Other crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2020-08  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2020-07  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2020-06  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2020-06  Public order. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2020-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2020-06  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2020-06  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2020-06  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2020-06  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2020-05  Public order. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2020-04  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableCalais Road
2020-04  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2020-04  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2020-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2020-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2020-03  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2020-03  Anti-social behaviour. Cullercoats Road
2020-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2020-03  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2020-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2020-02  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2020-02  Anti-social behaviour. Cullercoats Road
2020-01  Other crime. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2020-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2019-12  Criminal damage and arson. Local resolutionColombo Road
2019-12  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2019-12  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-12  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2019-12  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableCardiff Square
2019-11  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2019-11  Violence and sexual offences. Local resolutionColombo Road
2019-11  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-10  Public order. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2019-10  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2019-10  Public order. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2019-10  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2019-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-09  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-09  Public order. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2019-08  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2019-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2019-08  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2019-08  Drugs. Local resolutionCardiff Square
2019-08  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2019-07  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2019-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2019-07  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2019-07  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2019-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2019-06  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-06  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-06  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2019-06  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2019-06  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2019-06  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2019-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2019-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2019-05  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2019-05  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2019-05  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2019-05  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2019-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2019-05  Anti-social behaviour. Cullercoats Road
2019-05  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2019-05  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2019-04  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-04  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2019-04  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2019-04  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2019-04  Public order. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2019-04  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2019-03  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2019-03  Public order. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2019-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2019-03  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2019-02  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2019-02  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2019-02  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2019-02  Criminal damage and arson. Court result unavailableCalais Road
2019-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2019-01  Other theft. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2019-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2019-01  Other theft. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2018-12  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2018-12  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2018-12  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationCaspian Road
2018-11  Anti-social behaviour. Cullercoats Road
2018-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2018-11  Other crime. Under investigationCardiff Square
2018-11  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationColombo Road
2018-11  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationColombo Road
2018-11  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationColombo Road
2018-10  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2018-10  Criminal damage and arson. Awaiting court outcomeColombo Road
2018-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2018-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2018-10  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2018-10  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2018-10  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2018-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2018-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2018-10  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2018-09  Theft from the person. Under investigationCullercoats Road
2018-09  Bicycle theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2018-09  Criminal damage and arson. Under investigationClacton Road
2018-08  Public order. Under investigationCardiff Square
2018-07  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2018-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2018-07  Other theft. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2018-06  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2018-06  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2018-06  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2018-05  Criminal damage and arson. Awaiting court outcomeColombo Road
2018-04  Public order. Offender given community sentenceCalais Road
2018-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2018-04  Public order. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2018-03  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2018-03  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2018-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2018-03  Other theft. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2018-02  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2018-02  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2018-01  Drugs. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2018-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2018-01  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2018-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableCalais Road
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCalais Road
2017-12  Criminal damage and arson. Offender given a cautionCardiff Square
2017-12  Public order. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-12  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-12  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2017-12  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-11  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2017-11  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-11  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-10  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2017-10  Public order. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2017-10  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2017-09  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-08  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2017-08  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCardiff Square
2017-08  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableClacton Road
2017-08  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-08  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2017-08  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-08  Criminal damage and arson. Court result unavailableColombo Road
2017-08  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-07  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2017-07  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-07  Other crime. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-07  Anti-social behaviour. Cullercoats Road
2017-07  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2017-06  Other theft. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-06  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-06  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2017-06  Public order. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-06  Public order. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-05  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2017-05  Bicycle theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-05  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2017-04  Anti-social behaviour. Cardiff Square
2017-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2017-04  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2017-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2017-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-04  Public order. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2017-04  Other crime. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2017-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2017-02  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-01  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2017-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2017-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2017-01  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2017-01  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2017-01  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableCaspian Road
2017-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2016-12  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2016-12  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2016-12  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2016-12  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2016-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2016-11  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2016-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2016-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2016-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2016-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2016-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2016-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2016-09  Criminal damage and arson. Local resolutionColombo Road
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Local resolutionColombo Road
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2016-09  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2016-09  Other crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2016-09  Anti-social behaviour. Caspian Road
2016-08  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2016-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2016-07  Other theft. Status update unavailableCullercoats Road
2016-07  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2016-07  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2016-07  Anti-social behaviour. Cullercoats Road
2016-07  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2016-06  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2016-06  Drugs. Offender given conditional dischargeColombo Road
2016-06  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2016-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2016-06  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedColombo Road
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCullercoats Road
2016-05  Anti-social behaviour. Caspian Road
2016-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCaspian Road
2016-04  Criminal damage and arson. Offender given a cautionColombo Road
2016-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2016-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2016-04  Violence and sexual offences. Defendant found not guiltyCardiff Square
2016-04  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2016-03  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2016-03  Anti-social behaviour. Colombo Road
2016-03  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2016-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCalais Road
2016-02  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2016-02  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2016-02  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableClacton Road
2016-02  Anti-social behaviour. Calais Road
2016-02  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableColombo Road
2016-01  Anti-social behaviour. Clacton Road
2016-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedClacton Road
2016-01  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCardiff Square
2016-01  Criminal damage and arson. Court result unavailableCardiff Square