What's happening in . . .
Bridgeman Croft

About this crime map

This map is populated with data submitted by local Police forces. The locations of the hotspots shown on this map have been anonymised.

Crimes Recorded within 150 metres of Bridgeman Croft .

Date/CrimeApprox Location
2022-12  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-12  Vehicle crime. Under investigationB4119
2022-11  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2022-11  Vehicle crime. Under investigationBridgeman Croft
2022-11  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2022-11  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2022-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-10  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-10  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-10  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-10  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-10  Possession of weapons. Awaiting court outcomeB4119
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-08  Criminal damage and arson. Under investigationWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-08  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2022-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2022-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedB4119
2022-06  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-05  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedChester Road
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedChester Road
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedChester Road
2022-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2021-12  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2021-12  Other crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2021-09  Vehicle crime. Status update unavailableBridgeman Croft
2021-09  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given a cautionBridgeman Croft
2021-07  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectChester Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectChester Road
2021-06  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2021-02  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2021-01  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2021-01  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-12  Burglary. Status update unavailableWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-11  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2020-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2020-09  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2020-09  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-07  Public order. Status update unavailableWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-07  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2020-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2020-04  Anti-social behaviour. Whateley Lodge Drive
2020-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2020-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2020-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2020-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2020-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2020-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2020-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2020-03  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2020-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2020-03  Drugs. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2020-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2020-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-12  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-12  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2019-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-10  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedChester Road
2019-10  Drugs. Further investigation is not in the public interestCarlton Mews
2019-09  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2019-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-07  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-07  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-07  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2019-06  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2019-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2019-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectCarlton Mews
2019-05  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2019-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2019-04  Vehicle crime. Court result unavailableWhateley Lodge Drive
2019-04  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectCarlton Mews
2019-04  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-03  Drugs. Offender given a drugs possession warningBridgeman Croft
2019-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-03  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-03  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-02  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-02  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-02  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2019-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2019-01  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2019-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-12  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-12  Drugs. Under investigationBridgeman Croft
2018-12  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2018-12  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-12  Vehicle crime. Under investigationCarlton Mews
2018-11  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-11  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-11  Burglary. Under investigationChester Road
2018-09  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-09  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-08  Burglary. Suspect charged as part of another caseWhateley Lodge Drive
2018-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-08  Other crime. Offender given suspended prison sentenceCarlton Mews
2018-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2018-06  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-06  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-06  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-05  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2018-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-04  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2018-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2018-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2018-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectCarlton Mews
2018-02  Anti-social behaviour. Whateley Lodge Drive
2018-02  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectBridgeman Croft
2018-02  Drugs. Offender deprived of propertyCarlton Mews
2018-02  Other crime. Offender sent to prisonCarlton Mews
2017-12  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-12  Possession of weapons. Unable to prosecute suspectCarlton Mews
2017-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectCarlton Mews
2017-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectCarlton Mews
2017-11  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2017-11  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2017-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2017-11  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2017-11  Shoplifting. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2017-10  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-08  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2017-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-08  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2017-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-06  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2017-06  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2017-06  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2017-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-04  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2017-04  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2017-04  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-04  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-04  Theft from the person. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2017-03  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2017-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-02  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2017-02  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedChester Road
2017-01  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedChester Road
2017-01  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2017-01  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2017-01  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2017-01  Robbery. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2016-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-11  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2016-11  Burglary. Court result unavailableBridgeman Croft
2016-10  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2016-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-08  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2016-08  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2016-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhateley Lodge Drive
2016-07  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2016-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2016-07  Drugs. Offender given a drugs possession warningCarlton Mews
2016-06  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectCarlton Mews
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhateley Lodge Drive
2016-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2016-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2016-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedChester Road
2016-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews
2016-02  Burglary. Defendant sent to crown courtWhateley Lodge Drive
2016-01  Anti-social behaviour. Bridgeman Croft
2016-01  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBridgeman Croft
2016-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedCarlton Mews