What's happening in . . .
Lebburn Meadows

About this crime map

This map is populated with data submitted by local Police forces. The locations of the hotspots shown on this map have been anonymised.

Crimes Recorded within 150 metres of Lebburn Meadows .

Date/CrimeApprox Location
2022-12  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2022-12  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationMescott Meadows
2022-12  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationMescott Meadows
2022-12  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationMescott Meadows
2022-12  Shoplifting. Under investigationHansen Gardens
2022-11  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationWhites Way
2022-11  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2022-11  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2022-11  Public order. Under investigationGammon Close
2022-11  Public order. Under investigationGammon Close
2022-11  Public order. Under investigationGammon Close
2022-11  Anti-social behaviour. Lebburn Meadows
2022-10  Public order. Under investigationMescott Meadows
2022-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2022-10  Drugs. Local resolutionHansen Gardens
2022-10  Criminal damage and arson. Local resolutionBarfoot Road
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationBarfoot Road
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2022-09  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2022-09  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2022-09  Shoplifting. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2022-09  Shoplifting. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2022-09  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2022-09  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2022-09  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2022-09  Criminal damage and arson. Under investigationBarfoot Road
2022-09  Other crime. Under investigationMescott Meadows
2022-09  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLebburn Meadows
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationMescott Meadows
2022-08  Burglary. Unable to prosecute suspectLebburn Meadows
2022-08  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2022-08  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2022-08  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationWhites Way
2022-08  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2022-08  Bicycle theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2022-08  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2022-08  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2022-08  Public order. Under investigationHansen Gardens
2022-07  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2022-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2022-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2022-07  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableGammon Close
2022-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLebburn Meadows
2022-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLebburn Meadows
2022-07  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2022-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2022-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given a cautionWhites Way
2022-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2022-05  Public order. Status update unavailableGammon Close
2022-05  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableJacksons Road
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2022-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2022-04  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectGammon Close
2022-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectGammon Close
2022-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableGammon Close
2022-03  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationWhites Way
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2022-03  Public order. Local resolutionGammon Close
2022-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2022-01  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2022-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2022-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2021-12  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2021-12  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2021-11  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableMescott Meadows
2021-11  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2021-11  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2021-10  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2021-10  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2021-10  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectGammon Close
2021-09  Violence and sexual offences. Further investigation is not in the public interestMescott Meadows
2021-08  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2021-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2021-08  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-08  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2021-08  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2021-07  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2021-07  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2021-06  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2021-06  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2021-06  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2021-06  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-05  Possession of weapons. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2021-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2021-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2021-04  Vehicle crime. Status update unavailableMescott Meadows
2021-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2021-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2021-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2021-03  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableBarfoot Road
2021-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2021-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2021-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2021-02  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2021-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2020-11  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2020-11  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2020-11  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedGammon Close
2020-10  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2020-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2020-09  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2020-09  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2020-08  Public order. Court result unavailableWhites Way
2020-08  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2020-08  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2020-07  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2020-07  Public order. Court result unavailableMescott Meadows
2020-07  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2020-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2020-07  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2020-07  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2020-06  Bicycle theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2020-06  Vehicle crime. Court result unavailableMescott Meadows
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2020-05  Drugs. Local resolutionWhites Way
2020-05  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2020-04  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2020-04  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2020-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2020-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2020-01  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2020-01  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2019-12  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2019-12  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2019-12  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2019-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2019-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2019-10  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2019-10  Public order. Court result unavailableMescott Meadows
2019-10  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2019-09  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableBarfoot Road
2019-09  Other crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2019-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2019-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2019-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2019-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2019-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2019-06  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2019-06  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2019-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2019-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2019-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2019-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2019-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2019-03  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2019-03  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2019-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2019-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2019-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2019-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2019-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2019-02  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2019-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2019-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2019-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2019-01  Other crime. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2019-01  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2018-12  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2018-12  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2018-12  Drugs. Local resolutionWhites Way
2018-12  Violence and sexual offences. Under investigationWhites Way
2018-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2018-11  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2018-11  Public order. Under investigationGammon Close
2018-11  Public order. Under investigationGammon Close
2018-11  Robbery. Under investigationWhites Way
2018-11  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2018-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2018-11  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2018-10  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2018-10  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2018-09  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2018-08  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2018-08  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2018-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2018-07  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2018-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2018-07  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableJacksons Road
2018-06  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2018-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2018-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2018-04  Drugs. Court result unavailableJacksons Road
2018-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2018-04  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2018-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2018-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2018-03  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2018-03  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2018-03  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2018-02  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2018-02  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2018-02  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2018-02  Bicycle theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2018-02  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2018-01  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2018-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableMescott Meadows
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2018-01  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2017-12  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-12  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-12  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-12  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-11  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2017-11  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-11  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-11  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableJacksons Road
2017-11  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableJacksons Road
2017-10  Other crime. Action to be taken by another organisationJacksons Road
2017-10  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2017-10  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2017-10  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2017-10  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2017-10  Public order. Status update unavailableWhites Way
2017-09  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2017-09  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2017-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2017-09  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2017-09  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedGammon Close
2017-09  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2017-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2017-08  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-08  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-08  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBarfoot Road
2017-08  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2017-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2017-07  Public order. Court result unavailableWhites Way
2017-07  Public order. Offender given suspended prison sentenceWhites Way
2017-07  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2017-07  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-07  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-06  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2017-05  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2017-05  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2017-05  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2017-05  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given community sentenceMescott Meadows
2017-05  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2017-05  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2017-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2017-05  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-04  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-04  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-03  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2017-03  Anti-social behaviour. Jacksons Road
2017-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2017-02  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-02  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-02  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2017-02  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2017-01  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2017-01  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2017-01  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2016-12  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedJacksons Road
2016-10  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2016-10  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2016-10  Public order. Status update unavailableMescott Meadows
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableGammon Close
2016-09  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2016-09  Vehicle crime. Status update unavailableMescott Meadows
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2016-09  Anti-social behaviour. Barfoot Road
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2016-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2016-08  Public order. Status update unavailableMescott Meadows
2016-08  Public order. Formal action is not in the public interestMescott Meadows
2016-07  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2016-07  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2016-07  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2016-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2016-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMescott Meadows
2016-07  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows
2016-07  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2016-06  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2016-06  Criminal damage and arson. Formal action is not in the public interestWhites Way
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectHansen Gardens
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableBarfoot Road
2016-05  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectJacksons Road
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Formal action is not in the public interestJacksons Road
2016-04  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableJacksons Road
2016-04  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2016-03  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2016-03  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2016-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMescott Meadows
2016-03  Drugs. Status update unavailableMescott Meadows
2016-03  Anti-social behaviour. Gammon Close
2016-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedHansen Gardens
2016-02  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2016-02  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedWhites Way
2016-02  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2016-02  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2016-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2016-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectWhites Way
2016-01  Anti-social behaviour. Whites Way
2016-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBarfoot Road
2016-01  Anti-social behaviour. Hansen Gardens
2016-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectGammon Close
2016-01  Anti-social behaviour. Mescott Meadows