What's happening in . . .
Oaklands Road

About this crime map

This map is populated with data submitted by local Police forces. The locations of the hotspots shown on this map have been anonymised.

Crimes Recorded within 150 metres of Oaklands Road .

Date/CrimeApprox Location
2022-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDurndale Lane
2022-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-12  Shoplifting. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-11  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBowers Avenue
2022-11  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-10  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Under investigationKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Under investigationKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Action to be taken by another organisationKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-10  Anti-social behaviour. Boucher Drive
2022-09  Anti-social behaviour. Kemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2022-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2022-08  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2022-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-08  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2022-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2022-07  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-07  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-06  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-06  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationOaklands Road
2022-05  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-05  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDurndale Lane
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableDurndale Lane
2022-05  Other crime. Status update unavailableDurndale Lane
2022-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-05  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-05  Other theft. Status update unavailableKemsley Close
2022-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-04  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-04  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectLadyfields
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Oaklands Road
2022-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2022-04  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Status update unavailableKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2022-03  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2022-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDurndale Lane
2022-03  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableDurndale Lane
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2022-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-02  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2022-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2022-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Action to be taken by another organisationKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2022-01  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectMulberry Road
2021-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2021-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-12  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-12  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-11  Drugs. Court result unavailableBaker Hill Close
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2021-11  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2021-11  Vehicle crime. Court result unavailableDurndale Lane
2021-11  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-11  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2021-10  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-10  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2021-10  Shoplifting. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-10  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-10  Possession of weapons. Unable to prosecute suspectLadyfields
2021-09  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-09  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2021-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2021-09  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-09  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-08  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2021-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-08  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableBaker Hill Close
2021-08  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2021-08  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableOaklands Road
2021-08  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-07  Criminal damage and arson. Status update unavailableOaklands Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Status update unavailableOaklands Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableOaklands Road
2021-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2021-07  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2021-07  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2021-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-07  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-07  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-06  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2021-06  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2021-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2021-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectOaklands Road
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-05  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2021-05  Anti-social behaviour. Kemsley Close
2021-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-05  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2021-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-05  Shoplifting. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-04  Other theft. Further investigation is not in the public interestKemsley Close
2021-04  Other theft. Action to be taken by another organisationKemsley Close
2021-04  Other theft. Action to be taken by another organisationKemsley Close
2021-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-04  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-03  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-03  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-03  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-03  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2021-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-03  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-03  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2021-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-02  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2021-02  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-02  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-02  Public order. Status update unavailableDogwood Close
2021-01  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2021-01  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2021-01  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2021-01  Other theft. Status update unavailableKemsley Close
2021-01  Other theft. Offender given a cautionKemsley Close
2021-01  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-12  Other crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2020-12  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2020-12  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2020-12  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2020-11  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-11  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-11  Other theft. Court result unavailableKemsley Close
2020-11  Other theft. Court result unavailableKemsley Close
2020-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-11  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-10  Other theft. Status update unavailableKemsley Close
2020-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-10  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Other theft. Action to be taken by another organisationKemsley Close
2020-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2020-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-09  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2020-09  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2020-08  Violence and sexual offences. Further action is not in the public interestGrangeways Close
2020-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-08  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2020-08  Shoplifting. Court result unavailableKemsley Close
2020-08  Shoplifting. Court result unavailableKemsley Close
2020-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2020-08  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2020-08  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2020-07  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2020-07  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBaker Hill Close
2020-07  Other crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2020-07  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2020-07  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2020-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectGrangeways Close
2020-07  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Mulberry Road
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Grangeways Close
2020-05  Anti-social behaviour. Grangeways Close
2020-05  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given a cautionGrangeways Close
2020-05  Public order. Court result unavailableKemsley Close
2020-05  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableKemsley Close
2020-05  Violence and sexual offences. Court result unavailableKemsley Close
2020-04  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-04  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-03  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-03  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2020-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2020-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectGrangeways Close
2020-02  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-02  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2020-02  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2020-02  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2020-02  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2020-02  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2020-01  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2020-01  Public order. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2020-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2019-12  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2019-12  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2019-12  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBaker Hill Close
2019-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2019-10  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2019-10  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2019-10  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2019-09  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedGrangeways Close
2019-08  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given a cautionDogwood Close
2019-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2019-08  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2019-07  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2019-07  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2019-07  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationOaklands Road
2019-06  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2019-06  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2019-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2019-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2019-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectGrangeways Close
2019-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2019-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBoucher Drive
2019-03  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2019-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedGrangeways Close
2019-03  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedOaklands Road
2019-02  Anti-social behaviour. Kemsley Close
2019-02  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-02  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-02  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-02  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-02  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-02  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2019-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2019-01  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2019-01  Other crime. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2018-10  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2018-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2018-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2018-10  Criminal damage and arson. Under investigationKemsley Close
2018-09  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedGrangeways Close
2018-09  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2018-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2018-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2018-09  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2018-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBowers Avenue
2018-09  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationBowers Avenue
2018-09  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBoucher Drive
2018-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2018-08  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBowers Avenue
2018-08  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedOaklands Road
2018-08  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2018-06  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2018-06  Possession of weapons. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2018-06  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2018-06  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2018-06  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2018-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2018-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2018-05  Other theft. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMulberry Road
2018-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2018-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2018-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2018-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2018-04  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBaker Hill Close
2018-03  Drugs. Status update unavailableBaker Hill Close
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2018-03  Other crime. Action to be taken by another organisationKemsley Close
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2018-03  Other crime. Action to be taken by another organisationBoucher Drive
2018-03  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectGrangeways Close
2018-03  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedOaklands Road
2018-03  Burglary. Status update unavailableDogwood Close
2018-03  Burglary. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2018-03  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2018-02  Other crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectLadyfields
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationBoucher Drive
2018-02  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationBoucher Drive
2018-02  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2018-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBaker Hill Close
2018-01  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBaker Hill Close
2018-01  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBowers Avenue
2017-12  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBowers Avenue
2017-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectLadyfields
2017-12  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2017-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectKemsley Close
2017-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2017-11  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2017-11  Public order. Unable to prosecute suspectLadyfields
2017-11  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDogwood Close
2017-10  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2017-10  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectGrangeways Close
2017-10  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBoucher Drive
2017-09  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2017-09  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2017-09  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2017-08  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBaker Hill Close
2017-08  Anti-social behaviour. Boucher Drive
2017-08  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2017-08  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2017-07  Violence and sexual offences. Action to be taken by another organisationBowers Avenue
2017-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2017-06  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2017-06  Anti-social behaviour. Bowers Avenue
2017-06  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMulberry Road
2017-06  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2017-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2017-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2017-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBowers Avenue
2017-05  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2017-03  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2017-03  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2017-03  Other crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2017-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedGrangeways Close
2016-12  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectDurndale Lane
2016-12  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2016-12  Robbery. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2016-12  Robbery. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2016-12  Robbery. Offender sent to prisonDogwood Close
2016-12  Robbery. Unable to prosecute suspectDogwood Close
2016-11  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedKemsley Close
2016-10  Violence and sexual offences. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedBaker Hill Close
2016-10  Anti-social behaviour. Durndale Lane
2016-10  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedMulberry Road
2016-09  Other theft. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2016-08  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2016-08  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2016-07  Burglary. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2016-07  Anti-social behaviour. Ladyfields
2016-06  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2016-06  Anti-social behaviour. Baker Hill Close
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given community sentenceBoucher Drive
2016-05  Violence and sexual offences. Offender given community sentenceBoucher Drive
2016-05  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2016-04  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBaker Hill Close
2016-03  Vehicle crime. Unable to prosecute suspectDurndale Lane
2016-02  Vehicle crime. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedDurndale Lane
2016-02  Criminal damage and arson. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2016-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2016-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2016-02  Violence and sexual offences. Unable to prosecute suspectBoucher Drive
2016-01  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2016-01  Anti-social behaviour. Dogwood Close
2016-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2016-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields
2016-01  Criminal damage and arson. Investigation complete; no suspect identifiedLadyfields